"Pig Castrator" Attacked By Bill Mahr

Funny story written by Keith Shirey

Saturday, 31 January 2015


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The typical Republican response as to how they stand on climate change is to say, "I'm not a scientist." It is for example, the position of Most GOP House members like Jonie "pig castrator" Earnst who has said "I've not seen proven proof." She gave the official GOP response to Obama's State Of The Union address to congress.

Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont replied, "Given that 98% of scientists say climate change is a menace the 'I'm not a scientist' Earnst statement' has got to be the dumbest answer I've ever heard to the question of climate change. "Using that logic would disqualify politicians from voting on anything. They're not epidemiologists but does that stop them from having opinions on Ebola and whether Congress to should make funds available," he said.

And comic Bill Mahr joined the fight by saying, on his show, "Republicans aren't gynecologists but that didn't stop them in the House for years trying to legislate what women like Jonie Earnst can do with their vaginas."

But people on the blogsphere have attacked the climate change "warmists" like Bernie Sanders. They argue that "climate change alarmists" are the same people who believe that there is a connection between HIV and Aids, smoking and lung cancer, and planes causing the destruction of the Twin Towers.

"The climate warmists even believe that we put a man on the moon when we all know it was a Hollywood studio production, " said one climate change skeptic.

Many skeptics believed that climate scientists are part of "The New World Order" where, for example, the science of medicine advocates measles vaccinations.

Finally, one climate changer denier blogged that the New World Order will soon control the internet to prevent the public from knowing the truth about global warming.

When asked what she thought about such comments Earnst's congressional office replied that she hadn't seen proof for or against these ideas.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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