Colorado Is Bracing For Upwards of 6 Million Out-of-State Students Coming In During Spring Break

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

image for Colorado Is Bracing For Upwards of 6 Million Out-of-State Students Coming In During Spring Break
Colorado has said that they will strictly enforce the underage drinking law during Spring Break.

DENVER - Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has just informed all of the law enforcement departments in the state that no one will be taking vacations the week of Spring Break.

The governor stressed that the state is expecting upwards of 6 million high school and college students to come to Colorado from every state in the nation including seven countries.

He stated that it is all due to his fantastically brilliant idea of making marijuana legal on January 1, of this year.

Governor Hickenlooper said that because of the fact that anyone 21 and over in Colorado can now purchase and use marijuana without any ramifications, the state will break the all-time Spring Break attendance record which was previously held by the Plywood State [i.e. Florida].

The state law enforcement agencies will mostly be checking to make sure that there is no underage drinking, no underage pot smoking, and no underage groin grinding going on.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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