Herman Cain's "PizzaGate" Gals Will Soon Be Coming Out of The Woodwork!

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

image for Herman Cain's "PizzaGate" Gals Will Soon Be Coming Out of The Woodwork!
Herman Cain's "PizzaGate" may be getting ready to hit the fan pretty soon. (Photo by Chris Christie).

CLEVELAND - GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain spoke at a Walmart parking lot where he began to tell the assembled crowd of about 27 people about his 9-9-9 tax proposal.

Suddenly from the back a male voice hollered out, "The hell with 9-9-9 dude tell us about the alleged inappropriate conduct charges that two of your former employees have leveled against you."

Cain shook his head and said that he was not here to talk about alleged stuff and that he was here to talk about facts.

Another voice yelled out, "Okay, then tell us the facts about the alleged sexual harassment charges bro. After all you are asking us to vote for you and put you in the most important job in the entire world, so dammit we need to know if you can keep your winky (muffin tickler) in your pants or are you just going to be another John Edwards, Mark Sanford, or Arnold Schwarzenegger?"

Pico de Gallo of Tittle Tattle Tonight has referred to Herman Cain's situation as "PizzaGate." De Gallo says that reliable unnamed sources have told him that the gals are already starting to line up at the starting gate and that everyone of them has dollar $ign$ in her eyes.

Herman Cain remarked to Pico de Gallo that a lot of people just do not like him because they hate pizza.

IN A BEHIND THE SCENES STORY: Tiger Woods has reportedly already called up Herman Cain and told him to hold on for the ride of his life. Woods also suggested that (Cain) not give up his CEO job with Godfather's Pizza just yet.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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