Afterlife feud between ghosts of Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle and son, Kingsley, to be resolved in a higher court

Funny story written by Frankie The J

Saturday, 22 August 2009

image for Afterlife feud between ghosts of Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle and son, Kingsley, to be resolved in a higher court
Is this the ghost of Arthur Conan-Doyle's killed son, Kingsley?

LONDON (ABSNN) - The ghost of Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, indicated through trance medium and channeller, Squirrelly McLaine, that he wishes "to completely and forever sever his familial ties with his dead son, Kingsley."

Kingsley, who Sir Arthur claims has committed libel against him by telling other ghosts lies, told ABSNN, "My father lied about the fairy photographs he took early last century."

Ms. McLaine attempted to file the lawsuit in the Queen's Probate Court Friday, August 21st, but was dismissed by the Probate Magistrate because:

"Ms. Squirrelly McLaine, although a fine actress and a real hottie back in the day, had no standing within the court and is, in point of fact, nuttier than a Snickers Bar," said Judge Dame Eileen Over-Backwards.

Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle became an adherent of Spiritualism following the WWI death of his son, Kingsley. The dead man began speaking to his famous father, through mental mediums at séances, shortly after the end of the war.

Sir Conan-Doyle's enthusiastic acceptance of Spiritualism caused him to lose many old friends, and caused embarrassment to many of his remaining friends, chief among them, King George V, PM Lloyd George, and Winston Churchill.

"They were appalled that the man who had created the very embodiment of deductive reasoning should dabble with the specious world of spirits," said the shade of Kingsley Conan-Doyle, through physical medium, Ron Paul XXII.

American magician, Harry Houdini, once a staunch friend of Conan-Doyle, also refused to speak to the author due to a falling out caused by Houdini's continual unmasking of psychic frauds throughout the world.

After Houdini died, some people suspected that the Spiritualists (and even Conan-Doyle) of having conspired to kill the magician.

"It was at this point, I refused any further spirit communications with my father," said Kingsley through Paul.

After Sir Arthur passed away, reconciliation was attempted between the father and son, but it never occurred, due to Sir Arthur's insistence that fairies were real.

"You're the fairy, father!" were the last words Kingsley spoke to his father on the other side.

Magistrate Over-Backwards refused to hear the case and referred it to "a higher court."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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