SHROPSHIRE, England – (Satire News) – Pleasant speech increases milk production, a semi-scientific field research proves. In Shropshire, which is the real milk tank of England, a group of ranchers decided to raise their production to a new level.
LONDON - (Satire News) -The United Kingdom Cigar Guild has revealed that the biggest British cigar smoker of all time was World War II Prime Minister Sir Winston Leonard Spencer McCoy Churchill. At the height of the war Sir Winston was smoking 19,…
After playing board games with OAP's in an OAP home dressed in a bib and plastic apron, Boris Johnson, UK, PM, refused to be filmed being spoon-fed because it would have damaged his drivelling image further! However, after the fab PR shoot promoti…
It’s Infection Day in England on the 19th of July, where anyone who hasn’t had COVID yet is invited to go outside and get it. It is part of the government’s new pandemic strategy to “Get COVID Done”. Many other countries, with levels of vaccinati…
Winston Churchill is often called a national hero for being Prime Minister of the UK during the Second World War, although the people of Britain at the time didn't think so - they voted him out of office as soon as possible. It is also arguable wheth…
Journalists invaded care homes throughout the UK today, to track down surviving servicemen from the Second World War, to wring their brains for stories about the Battle of Britain that they forgot since they last asked about them, this time last year…
BILLINGSGATE POST: It is not a good time to be seen riding a bronze horse in a city park, or to be a statue of Columbus. Nor is it a good time to be taking a crap in an outhouse in Beaver Crossing, Nebraska. As always, timing is everything.
A group of right-wing thugs spent this afternoon pissing in the street and yelling racist slogans around a statue of Winston Churchill in central London. They claimed to be defending the war leader's statue from anti-racist protesters who had threate...
BILLINGSGATE POST: DATELINE GALAPAGOS: The stated goal of the BILLINGSGATE INSTITUTE is to lead the World to a better understanding of the nature of liberalism. With this being the target, the eponymously named Chairman of the INSTITUTE, Dr. Billin...
BILLINGSGATE POST: Actually, what former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was quoted to have said was: “Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room.” Accordingly; why should anyone in their right mind tak...
It is one of the greatest questions of modern science: was Nazi dictator and moustache model, Adolf Hitler, actually an alien from outer space? Many believe he was. Geoff Derp from the University of Dusseldorf has recently completed a study of eve...
New Conservative Party leader and prime minister, Boris Johnson, has had to further delay the release of his biography of William Shakespeare, 'The Riddle Of Genius', for reasons as yet unknown, but it may be that its release will be cancelled altoge...
Russian Supremo, Vladimir Putin is retaliating against the U.K.s Chav poplulation. Thought to be in response to William Hague's devastating "debating society" dialogue, he screamed, "I will punish every single Chav in the U.K. I will sabotage scra...
History is written by the victors."- Winston Churchill. "History is a set of lies agreed upon."- Napoleon Bonaparte. In the history of Arabian Peninsula, 450-621 A. D., we find three brothers in Mecca called: Hashim, Motalib and Abdoshams. Hashim and Abdoshams were conjoined twins! Ironically, there was a feud between these two brothers which has continued to present time. It began with Hashim'...
London, England. Former wartime Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, has been spotted in a souvenir shop in Fort William, northern Scotland. The sighting is a big surprise as Churchill presumably died nearly fifty years ago in his late nineties.
U.S. President Barack Obama received PM David Cameron this morning with a 19 gun salute and Fife and Drum performance on the lawn of the White House. With his poll numbers dropping precipitously into the unfavorable range in the U.S. and abroad, the...
WASHINGTON - Not since Britain Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain signed the Munich Agreement with Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in September 1938 has there been such a one-sided agreement that affected another country. In that agreement the...
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