David Cameron helps out in a soup kitchen

Funny story written by hysteria

Monday, 4 May 2009

image for David Cameron helps out in a soup kitchen

The leader of the official opposition, David Cameron, today tried to gain a few more political points and push him towards securing the next general election.

David Cameron, the Leader of the Conservative party, was seen helping in Hackney, London, where he was giving out soup and £50 notes to the homeless and needy. He was quoted saying "I think we all need to help out, and if we do win the next general election I will pledge £10,000,000 of government money to these people".

The conservative party have always been noted for their superb work for the homeless, former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was regarded the most supportive PM ever for the working class, after she handed out hundreds of thousands of pounds to the jobless and hard up families. Another of her more famous duties as Prime Minister was to help the coal industry in Britain by supporting each miner and reccomending them for a knighthood.

The next general election is expected to take place in 2010, with Gordon Brown expecting to lose a lot of Labour seats, and the governance, to the Monster Raving Loony Party.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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