Cameron caught with his pants down in Brown's back yard

Funny story written by Big Vern

Monday, 4 May 2009

image for Cameron caught with his pants down in Brown's back yard
Brown's greenhouse

It has been alleged that Tory leader and all round nice guy David Cameron, was arrested over the weekend after he was caught with his pants down in the garden of number 10 Downing Street.

Downing Street, the official residence of Mr. Gordon Brown the Prime Minister of England, is only a stones throw away from the Stocking & Orange, a pub frequented by many Tory MP'S.

It is believed that Cameron was on a mission to get hold of one of Prime Minister Brown's prize gherkins from his greenhouse. The gherkins which are due to be shown at this Fridays annual Houses of Parliament gardening show are said to be the envy of many green fingered politicians. Special branch officers noticed a shadow and steam coming from the side of the greenhouse.

Cameron was allegedly caught short and needed to relieve himself in the garden. Cameron who is known for his large tomatoes did not offer any excuse when arrested and he was bailed to appear in court on June 4th.

When asked about the intruder Prime Minister Brown said 'My vegetables always seam to attract the wrong crowed wherever they are." Mr. Cameron was not available for comment.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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