The Reason Why NASCAR'S Danica Patrick Was Embarrassed About Her Upskirt Photo

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Saturday, 15 March 2014

image for The Reason Why NASCAR'S Danica Patrick Was Embarrassed About Her Upskirt Photo
Danica's high heel shoes matched her Thursday bikini thong panties.

HOLLYWOOD - Danica Patrick flew into Los Angeles' LAX Airport to make an appearance on The Gorgeous Gary Busey Show.

As she was getting out of the Limo to go into the television studio a gust of wind suddenly hit causing her skirt to fly up exposing a pair of pink bikini thongs in the process.

Needless to say at least six members of the paparazzi quickly clicked their cameras and took some photos of Danica's crotch region.

Although she was embarrassed she was nowhere near as embarrassed when she remembered that she was wearing a pair of Thursday bikini thong panties and it was Friday.

One of the photos appeared in the supermarket tabloid Just Saying under the heading, "Danica Patrick is so busy coming and going, that she forgot to change her bikini thong panties."

SIDENOTE: Russell Brand has graciously offered to buy her seven different colored bikini thong panties that simply say "Today."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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