WEST HOLLYWOOD - Miley Cyrus told Bedroom Pillow Talk that Katy Perry needs to grow a pair (of nads not knockers) and stop acting like she's the Tinsel Town version of little Miss Snow White.
Cyrus was referring to the notorious deep kiss that her and Katy shared at the Bangerz concert back in February.
The next day Katy appeared on The Gorgeous Gary Busey Show and when asked how she liked the kiss replied that it was yucky.
Gary asked her to explain. Katy said that she actually tried to pull away because she had no earthly idea where Miley's long ass of a tongue had been.
She added that the sucker has most likely kissed the most intimate private parts of a lot of guys and gals.
When Miley heard about her comment she angrily remarked that Katy was the one who initiated the kiss in the first place. Cyrus then said that to be honest, kissing Katy Perry was like kissing a brand new brillo pad.
She pointed out that her lips are very rough and she can see now why Russell Brand divorced her and why John Mayer dumped her cellulite-tainted butt.
SIDENOTE: Katy Perry replied that she does not have any cellulite on her butt to which Miley fired back, "Look a little closer bitch - it looks just like friggin cottage cheese."