Scotland Yard Reports That The World War II Luftwaffe Bomber Bomb That Was Found In The Basement of Buckingham Palace Has Been Stolen

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Saturday, 26 November 2022

image for Scotland Yard Reports That The World War II Luftwaffe Bomber Bomb That Was Found In The Basement of Buckingham Palace Has Been Stolen
British information guru Piers Morgan says the bomb could be hidden in Scotland.

LONDON - (Satire News) - In a strange turn of events, the WWII Luftwaffe bomber bomb that was found in the Buckingham Palace basement has been stolen.

A representative for Scotland Yard said that they are checking surveillance video to see if they can ascertain exactly who stole the bomb.

King Charles III, has said that he is offering a £10,000 reward to anyone who can provide information that will lead to the capture of the dastardly bastard bloke.

Meanwhile Piers Morgan says that he believes that it could be an inside job.

The bomb was to have been flown to an isolated area of the North Pole where it was to have been detonated.

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