Can the Internet Cause Hip Problems?

Funny story written by Purple Girl

Sunday, 11 June 2017

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Can Internet usage affect the size and health of your buttocks?

Winston-Salem, NC [PP] -- Doctors at Wake Forest Medical Center are perplexed at a sudden increase of problems in patients buttocks. They blame the Internet for the cause, based on the reports of some patients.

"I was just laughing away while messing on the Internet, and I noticed my buttocks started shrinking," said Janice Littlebutt."

The exact reason for the decline in patients buttocks remains unclear, but doctors are suggesting that patients limit their use of the Internet, particularly silly sites.

Some remain skeptical. "Just reading this report had me rolling around, laughing my [buttocks] off! Who can believe this stuff? I just lost some weight, but I see no connection," according to John Doubt, a regular Internet user.

Could this be a series of strange coincidences, or could the Internet be causing real gluteal problems? Nobody knows for sure.

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