HOUSTON - NASA Spokesperson Trent Timmelfarb has reported that the Martian Land Rover Curiosity has come upon a patch of marijuana plants.
Timmelfarb stated to the news media that early reports are that the cannabis is of a high grade and is ten times more powerful than any marijuana found in the United States, Mexico, or Switzerland.
The NASA spokesperson said that judging by the looks of the plants they have been growing on Mars for at least seven years.
When asked how in the world marijuana plants could be growing on Mars, Timmelfarb laughed and replied that even President Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden, as extremely intelligent as they both are have no clue.
NASA stated that Curiosity will gather up about 12 pounds of the marijuana and ship it back to Houston where it will be inspected extensively.
SIDENOTE: Trent Timmelfarb smiled when he said that since word has gotten out that a dozen pounds of the powerful pot will be coming back to Houston, applications to work in the research and investigating department have gone up by 3,000 percent.