Standing in front of three, empty baby blue parked trucks (which were not intended to be symbolic of anything associated with Donald Trump) Donald Trump ventilated on what he predicted would be the failures of a Joe Biden presidency.
Easy to do. He had the playbook. Trump read through a list of his own failures during the last four years and accused Joe Biden of each of them. Like hiding in the bunker, as Trump had done when peaceful protestors marched across from the White House. He also accused Biden of having wars with the teleprompter. Another Trump confession.
Said that Biden watches television all day. Where has the whole world heard that one before?
That Joe Biden doesn’t know where he is half the time. Remember how Trump was wandering about the tarmac after arduously going down the steps of Air Force One? He was finally redirected by the Secret Service toward the 22-foot long, can't miss, Presidential Limousine, also known as The Beast. Pure Trump.
He failed to accuse Biden of grabbing a woman by the pussy; probably because Trump still believes, that’s an admirable, macho, okay thing to do and to brag about. Doesn't want to give Biden a piece of that prize.
He also didn’t accuse Biden of having a one-nighter with a famous porn star, or a year-long affair with a Playboy Bunny while married, or about the girlfriend Trump finally married after she gave birth to his fourth child. All those peccadillos seemed to be swept under the hairpiece.
So Trump’s plan for re-election is to stop the mail, cancel the vote, rag on and on, and on about Joe Biden. Predict Nancy Pelosi would become president if the election weren't decided. Said he never requested his failing golf club in Scotland be used for the British Open. And then lapsed into his good friendship with Vladimir Putin.
A rambling and seemingly accurate review of Trump’s last four years, but nothing predictable about a Joseph Biden Presidency.
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