This special Bilderberg Conference was held in Madrid at the request of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.
Officiating as usual was Satan. Compere was Jimmy Savile. Musical interlude was supplied by the late Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Elvis and Sammy Davis. Drinks were served by Obama Bin Laden.
Seated regally on his golden throne wearing his black silk cloak, feet on desk and fingering his malacca cane Satan addressed the massive gathering as follows, verbatim.
"We have done well my comrades. Where there was peace and stability we have sown chaos and conflict. Where there was love, even of self, hatred and bitterness. Where there was confidence in the young even of their own gender we have sown ineradicable doubt and confusion. Where there was humanity bestiary, respect loathing, trust suspicion, faith fear, friendship enmity, hope despair, health sickness and romance disgust. How good can it get?"
"Even Ireland, the land of saints and scholars and, you will forgive me if I laugh, is now an insane asylum as are Greece and Spain thanks to the debt and subservience we have afflicted upon them. We have done in a few years what it once took centuries. We have done particularly well in the United States of America. We created a war on terrorism by well... terrorising people!"
"Then we succeeded in giving the President the title of "Commander in Chief" with authority to invade any country he chooses, whenever and however, without even a word to .. what's it's name?.. Congress."
(more laughter).
"How Nero would blush with envy!"
"We have trashed the constitution of the United States but in a way that the Sheeple don't even recognize and if they do they have so little faith in their own intelligence that they can do nothing with it or convince others to their view. And, we have established Big Brother as an acceptable feature in everyone's lives. We are so far advanced now we could stop a man or woman in the street and give them an internal examination with a gloved hand without even bothering to ask them... and they would docilely accept. Just as they do at airports. Baaa!"
"When soon, we have their children chipped at birth then we will have succeeded in our final aim to cull the population of the planet and thereby take complete control of the procreation and development of the human race for our own purposes. We will have seized the "reins of evolution" at last in the words of our loyal servant Teilhard de Chardin. What peace, what joy!...And the pleasure is all mine!" A toast to the Jesuits!
"To your health, ladies and gentlemen. We must now make our New World Order agenda as commonplace as the Olympic Games, our ideology as acceptable as the rules of soccer and our functionaries, the Freemasons, as popular as movie stars and as honoured as national heroes. I could burst with pride! Well done Barack, George, Gordon, David and all my other true and loyal servants. Ye shall be well rewarded."