Bookies Give Further Odds on the Savile Enquiry.

Funny story written by Auntie Matter

Thursday, 21 November 2013


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image for Bookies Give Further Odds on the Savile Enquiry.
Blackmailed by CIA?

It is over a year now and bookies throughout the UK are rubbing their hands with glee over their book on the Jimmy Savile case. Many of their odds were based on a 12 months period. Apparently they cleaned up.

As you may recall some of their odds were as follows...

(1) Investigation will plod along until the media are ordered from on high to dumb it down out of existence and to "pursue it no further" blah, blah, blah and it simply disappears as the public are lulled back into televisual narcosis. 3/1
(4) High ranking politicians will be brought for trial....1000/1
(7) No high ranking politician will ever be brought to trial as none ever has been since the Profumo affair of 50 years ago. 1/10000000.
(12) Savile always acted alone. 50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/1.
(16) The House of Windsor, the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Masonic members of the Royal House Lodge and appointed investigators into recipients on the Queen's honours list could find absolutely nothing on Savile prior to presenting him with his knighthood in 1990. In fact, he was completely unknown to any of them except in his capacity as establishment 'saint' involved in charity work. 10000000000000000000000000000000/1

Said Ladbroke's chairman, Philip Mebag, " We knew we were on a winner from the start. This time around we have decided to keep the book more open. In other words we will quote you a price on the following depending on the size of your wager."

(1) A high ranking politician of sound health and mind will be brought to trial on pedophile charges. Our verdict... unlikely.
(2) More than one high ranking politician will be brought to trial of sound health and mind. Our verdict...unlikely.
(3) One or more politicians will be brought to trial and found guilty as charged. Our verdict... unlikely.
(4) One or more European politicians will be brought to trial and found guilty as charged. Our verdict... unlikely.
(5) One or more non-European politicians will be brought to trial and found guilty as charged. Our verdict. Possible, as fall-guys will be needed.
(6) Sir Edward Heath, whose pimp Savile was, will be found posthumously guilty of serial child rape and murder. Unlikely.
(7) MI6 will be exonerated. Very likely.
(8) MI5 will be exonerated. Very likely.
(9) BBC high ranking executives will be exonerated. Very likely.
(10) All members of the House of Windsor will be exonerated and declared above suspicion. Very likely.
(11) All members of Tony Blair's cabinet will be exonerated. Very likely.
(12) Savile will be declared to have acted alone and of unsound mind. Very likely.
(13) Mass demonstrations demanding justice will take place throughout the UK. Very unlikely.
(14) Periodically, one or two celebs who are already out of public favour, or near retirement, will be mentioned in connection with Savile's pedophile ring so as to dupe the public into the illusion that an ongoing serious investigation with justice as its aim is taking place. Very likely.
(15) Dangerous witnesses who are likely to make trouble will be bought off for considerable sums and sworn to secrecy. Very likely.
(16) Tony Blair was dragged into a war against Iraq because the CIA threatened to expose its links with Savile and pedophilia. Likely.
(17) No Freemason will stand trial. Very likely.
(18) If, in the unlikely event, a Freemason does stand trial, he will be found to be innocent from lack of evidence. Very likely.
(19) Police findings concerning the case will be made freely available under the Freedom of Information Act concerning the public's interest. Very unlikely.
(20) Political and judicial life in Great Britain is totally corrupt and pedophilia is rampant. No odds available.
{21) Case will drag on for another year as public is lulled by fair means and foul into televisual narcosis or accepting that pedophilia is not a crime, with help from American television. Very likely.
(22) Case will drag on for more than one year...etc, etc in the hope that the main suspects die off from old age as did Savile. Very likely.
(23) Media will unanimously campaign for for the enquiry to be speeded up and the culprits made to face charges. No odds available.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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