The polarization of the United States keeps getting more attention. But do moderates still exist in this world of 24/7 media that preach the extremes of everyday politics?
Ten Signs You Might Be a Moderate
1. You respect the right to own a shotgun for hunting purposes, but not the right to own handguns and rifles. You might be a moderate.
2. You think politicians of any career length don't get it. You might be a moderate.
3. You believe teaching science isn't the end of the world. You might be a moderate.
4. You enjoy civil and logical debate. You might be a moderate.
5. You understand tax breaks without real spending cuts don't make sense. You might be a moderate.
6. You think insurance companies don't have your best interest at heart. You might be a moderate.
7. You believe spending money to brag about how you are going to fix a problem you created is a waste of money. You might be a moderate.
8. You don't care who your neighbor marries. You might be a moderate.
9. You want to help those in need. You might be a moderate.
10. You watch "The Daily Show" to get your political news. You might be a moderate.