The Wonderland of the Mad Hatters Tea Party is set to influence the American Senate & Congress elections.
Encouraged by Fox News, supported by Rupert Murdoch, Sarah Palin and her pals are likely to cause a major upset in American politics.
With the world beginning in 4004 B.C., give or take a year or so, and Climate Change an illusion dreamt up by revolutionary Socialists, the Oil Industry sees this political development as a gift from God.
Deep sea drilling off the American coast will be on again and the Health Service will be safely back in Private Hands.
'Capitalism is about Profit' said a new convert to the Mad Hatter 'so let's make a profit out of health like everything else. Those who can't pay will die and keep the population down.
Respect for Life fits uneasily with this prospect. But a foetus should never be destroyed in Tea Party's Utopian vision, as red socialists support abortion.
In fact God is an ally of the Tea Party Movement as it is clear from the Bible that Adam and Eve started the Tea Party many years ago.
Rumours that the T in Tea Party actually stands for one of the many names for cannabis are floating around but a totally relaxed member of cloud cuckoo land has denied that they are part of the Tea Party. 'Man, we can't take that Witches Brew. They are far too way out for us!'
Meanwhile Te Pah Te, the Chinese expert on American affairs is pleased with the disintegration of the United States, seeing this as the beginning of the end for their rival world power.