Racism conferenence causes a "slight" diplomatic upset

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Friday, 24 April 2009


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image for Racism conferenence causes a "slight" diplomatic upset
Will the real Adolf please stand up!

The CIA (Cockroach Infiltration Army) reporters, well known here on The Spoof has just this second relayed another world blockbuster regarding Mr Ahmedinejad (President of Iran) and his very best friend Mr Netanyahu (Prime Minsiter of Israel).

This telephone conversation was tapped by ace CIA reporter Hansi Gobballs in the turkish baths (all steamed up) in downtown Geneva, Switzerland.

Ahme to Netan: "We certainly fucked those Brits, French and Sauerkrauts after my fantastic speech condemning you bastards to oblivion and denying the holocaust, fuck me what a show."

Netan to Ahme: "Great performance Ahme and our US allies fell for it once more, stupid bastards, especially after the Brits and those other softies marched out and the Sauerkrauts didn't even bother to show up!"

Ahme to Netan: "Our fiendish plan to rid the world of those Palestinian, Iraqui, Lebanese Untermenschen is gradually taking place and under the very noses of those stupid Yanks and their allies we are gradually closing in on our goals."

Netan to Ahme: "We the mighty Jews and you the mighty Iranian Empire will unite and send the rest of those unbelievers to the cauldrons of hell, only our two religions are the real TRUTH and the rest can perish in fucking hell!!"

Ahme to Netan: "We will send our Persian forces westwards, conquer the infidels and no fighting fucking 300 Spartans will stop us this time, you Netan will obliviate Palestinia, Lebanon and that weak Pussy in Jordan will surrender anyway. Turkey and their unbelieving infidels wil perish at the swords of the almighty Jewish/Persian/Egyptian forces who will join our common cause and we will form the 4th Persian/Israeli/Egyptian Empire and then we will conquer the rest of the world, who needs fucking Al Quaida, Bin Laden must die infidel Saudi pig!"

Netan to Ahme: "When this great achievement is done we will hold the western world to ransom through our mighty possessions, oil fields and riches, they will buckle at their weak knees and then we will venture east and conquer those slit-eyed infidels, the world is ours Ahme "Mein Freund."

By this time the CIA (Cockroach Infiltration Army) reporter Hansi Gobballs was leaving the steamy Turkish baths with a recorded copy of this unbelievable, world shattering unknown secret pact between Iran and Israe, he also noticed that Mr. Ahmedinejad had lifted his right arm, donned his jackboots, Nazi uniform and screamed down the telephone, Sieg Heil in perfect Deutsch, and Netanyahu screamed in return, Sieg Heil Mein Fuhrer, Hansi thought silently, "fuck me here we go again, racial equality my butt!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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