Does Obama Want the Gropenator's Manly Man Paws on Energy policy?

Funny story written by Pointer

Friday, 7 November 2008

image for Does Obama Want the Gropenator's Manly Man Paws on Energy policy?
Ahnold finally learned not to Seig Heil

While Ahnold campaigned for his Republican lanzmen, he has been in the avant-garde of energy awareness in California. This credential appears to have recommended the former sel-admitted steroid-using champion body builder to the post of energy fuhrer in the Obama administration.

Could it be Ahnold's Kennedy connection by way of Caroline to the Terminator's wife Maria Shriver? When the spoof.methane interviewed JFK's Obama obsessed daughter she did admit that her pony in Camelot released significant amounts of gas into the atmosphere.

" By supporting energy sensitive Barack, I hope to make up for my father's indiscretions", Caroline told thespoof, " JFK released a tremendous amount of energy laden fluids and gases into the environment. I know a nice man like Barack Obama will not do those nasty things."

Ahnold told no-one in particular, because no-one was really listening, that he would use all of his manliness to wrestle the girlieman pollution into submission and serve his black fuhrer to the end. He offered that his very family name can be translated as Black Nigga:" Me und mein ancestors haf been down wid the black man for centuries!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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