'Obamalot' era begins at White House - First Daughters choose pet puppy named "Pita"

Funny story written by shea lo

Friday, 7 November 2008

image for 'Obamalot' era begins at White House - First Daughters choose pet puppy named "Pita"

1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE: A spokesperson for the new President-elect Barack Obama told reporters that the new Obamalot era has now begun and will "transform the White House - just like the Kennedy-Camelot era".

In response to questions, the spokesperson also confirmed that the entire Obama clan is very excited about the new move and both Sasha and Malia are "looking forward to having their friends over for sleepovers"

When asked about Daddy Obama's promise regarding the pet puppy, the spokesperson stated: "As you all know, Caroline Kennedy had a pony named Macaroni. At first both Sasha and Malia wanted a Rottweiler puppy that they hoped to call Rotini. But after much debate and changing of minds both girls have now settled upon a feisty pit-bull puppy with red lips that they have named Pita.

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