Studsy The Queer Bull Coming (oops!) Soon

Funny story written by dave nelson

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Steven Playmount head of animation studios Traumwork, today announced the production on the first gay themed animated film for gay Children 'Studsy The Queer Bull'.

The movie is about Studsy, a prize Angus Bull who prefers young bulls and steers over cows. Original titles for the film included 'The Queer Steer' -- but technically he's a bull (obviously not castrated) and hung like a Moose.

Traumwork research shows that twenty to thirty percent of Americans under the age of seven years old have strong homosexual tendencies and child psychologists are certain that they are torn apart emotionally between openly adopting a gay lifestyle or "closeting" their emotions in an oppressive hetro dominated environment.

'Studsy' will, according to Traumwork's rhetoric, instill pride and identity resolution in young closeted gay children and help them 'break out", just as 'Studsy' does in a very compelling scene where he is supposed to impregnate a group of prize cows, but 'breaks out' of the paddock (a metaphor for his closet) and charges into the meadow, where he proceeds to shtupp about twelve young bulls and eight steers in a violent release of pent up frustration.

Playmount commented on the movie's poignancy: "You've got to picture this twenty six hundred pound Angus bull corn-holing every asshole in sight --the energy and passion and drama! Think the fifteenth round in Rocky one. At this point in the test screenings young boys were jumping up and down on the seats screaming, 'rut em -- rut em all Studsy" and they were crying."

Traumwork head of production stated: "We are so thrilled and satisfied that in today's exploitive creative environment --especially as far as our children are concerned -- that we at Traumwork are able to produce positive and socially redemptive quality programming that will constructively help our children -- our most precious resource -- to shape and structure their lives as we walk hand in hand with them into the future."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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