Miley Cyrus Collapsed On Vegas Stage

Funny story written by Bureau

Sunday, 29 December 2013

image for Miley Cyrus Collapsed On Vegas Stage
Cyrus Invited By Spears

Miley Cyrus was rushed to the hospital last night after she collapsed on the stage in Las Vegas after coming there as a guest of Britney Spears. An ambulance was summoned and she was rushed to Las Vegas General Hospital.

This morning there has already been an announcement that Ms. Cyrus is doing better and that the collapse was due to her eating habits over the past couple of years.

"We have the young lady on lots of fluids and having her drink plenty of vegetable juice although we call it Hydroponic tomato juice. This lady apparently hasn't eaten any vegetables at all for some time", announced hospital spokesman, Dr. David Jessen.

Jessen, handling lots of questions from the press, stated that a feces analysis had revealed the facts of what he had just stated, after they had questioned Ms. Cyrus after the discovery.

"She told us that she hasn't felt well in several months and no wonder. When we asked about the lack of vegetables she stated that should could not remember for sure but that she thought she gave them up after discovering that the things had actually came 'out of the ground and covered with cow shi't and almost heaved upon learning the horrible truth."

"She then stated that she thinks that was over a year ago."

The hospital had called in a psychiatrist for an evaluation and the one summoned just then came out from Miley's room to see the waiting line of news reporters and immediately began shaking his head.

"Come on Doc, give us some news. Don't hold out on us."

"Well", stated Doctor Peltier, "She's got to be transferred to a private institution to relearn eating habits. I see now what is behind her weird activity that's been described in the newspapers lately. Although she doesn't look too thin, she needs the right nutrition badly. But if you mention vegetables, she almost gets sick. Then she starts in about those things coming out of the dirt and that they have actually been buried in worms and cow shit in many cases."

"These fecal statistics are very troubling indeed," remarked Doctor Jessen, "Aside from the occasional trace of an olive or two, we were unable to find any chemical evidence that Ms. Cyrus has consumed any vegetables."

"I have forbidden anyone here or at the place she is being sent to, to mention where we get our milk and eggs from. As far as she is concerned, they come from a grocery market."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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