
Funny satire stories about Hospital

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Funny story: Donald Trump Rushed To The Hospital With A Severe Case of TWS

Donald Trump Rushed To The Hospital With A Severe Case of TWS

Mar-a-Lago – (Satire News) – Senior Daily Drama reporter Cinderella St. Lamb, reports that the man that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has nicknamed “Old Butt Face” was recently rushed to the hospital. A spokesperson for Our Lady of The De…

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Funny story: A Man Wins Taco Bell's Jalapeno-Eating Contest But Ends Up At a 24-Hour Emergency Clinic

A Man Wins Taco Bell's Jalapeno-Eating Contest But Ends Up At a 24-Hour Emergency Clinic

EL PASO, Texas – (Satire News) – Alpha Beta’s Mimosa Sabrosa covered the 32nd Annual Taco Bell Jalapeno-Eating Contest, which was held at El Paso's Giggling Guacamole Restaurant. The yearly event draws participants from as far away as Delaware, De…

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Funny story: Mob-connected goose seeking revenge on well-meaning medics

Mob-connected goose seeking revenge on well-meaning medics

A staff member at a Cape Cod's Wildlife Center recently noticed Arnold, a goose who had developed a noticeable limp. He and some co-workers Canada Goose, set a trap and ambushed Arnold, bringing him to the Cape Cod Wildlife Center for an exam and tre…

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Funny story: Jagger in distress, cries for help in ICU while orderly accompanies him on guitar

Jagger in distress, cries for help in ICU while orderly accompanies him on guitar

Mick Jagger of the rock & roll band The Rolling Stones is in the ICU at London’s St. Thomas’ Hospital for an undisclosed malady. Last evening, reportedly, Jagger was in despair and called out for assistance, but hospital staff mistakenly thou…

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Funny story: 24 Hours in A&E: the Missing Episodes

24 Hours in A&E: the Missing Episodes

Hospital insider, Paxton Quigley, who wishes to remain anonymous, has revealed in confidence to The Spoof, how some episodes of 24 Hours in A&E were deemed unfit for public broadcast by the hospital, due to their graphic, deeply upsetting content…

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Funny story: The President Leaves Walter Reed Hospital Against Doctor’s Orders Showing He Doesn’t Give a Damn About Anybody But Himself

The President Leaves Walter Reed Hospital Against Doctor’s Orders Showing He Doesn’t Give a Damn About Anybody But Himself

BETHESDA, Maryland - (Satire News) – President Trump once said that he knows more about war than the generals do. Well, now he has said that he knows more about the Coronavirus than the doctors do. POTUS told Fox News, that he feels like he did…

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Funny story: Doctor’s Reveal That They Have Learned That President Trump Has a Pre-Existing Condition

Doctor’s Reveal That They Have Learned That President Trump Has a Pre-Existing Condition

BETHESDA, Maryland – (Satire News) – Trump’s team of 19 doctors, 27 nurses, and an enema specialist, say, off-the-record, that he is one of the most difficult patients they have ever seen. The doctors say that when they tell him his temperature is…

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Funny story: President Trump Is So Desperate For Attention That He Gets Out of His Hospital Bed and Does a Drive-By

President Trump Is So Desperate For Attention That He Gets Out of His Hospital Bed and Does a Drive-By

BETHESDA, Maryland – (Satire News) – Trump is such an egomaniacal turdhead that he can’t stand not being in the spotlight 24/7. The bozo has to always be the center of attention, or else he'll pout and start calling those around him childish, imma…

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Funny story: President Trump Says He's Feeling a Bit Better After His Doctor Put Him on a Strict Anti-Coronavirus McDonald’s Food Regimen

President Trump Says He's Feeling a Bit Better After His Doctor Put Him on a Strict Anti-Coronavirus McDonald’s Food Regimen

BETHESDA, Maryland – (Satire News) – President Trump was flown to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in a U.S. Army Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter. Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said that they had to use a military helicopte…

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Funny story: Doctors Successfully Transplant a Woman’s Uvula Into Her Twin Sister

Doctors Successfully Transplant a Woman’s Uvula Into Her Twin Sister

MILWAUKEE – Physicians at Milwaukee’s prestigious Hops Hospital have performed what is believed to be the nation’s first successful uvula transplant. Dr. Lysander Cottoncastle, said that he and his team of experts removed an extra uvula from Dotti...

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Funny story: Contortionist Still Contorted

Contortionist Still Contorted

An amateur contortionist was still in hospital last night, after attempting a new contortion that had never been tried before, and from which the unfortunate chap couldn't escape. The contortionist, who hasn't been named, was 'practising' his cont...

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Funny story: Spider doctors working round the clock to help coronavirus victims

Spider doctors working round the clock to help coronavirus victims

As global deaths continue to rise, human doctors and nurses are increasingly putting themselves at risk of catching the disease and spreading it unintentionally. Many of them operate with little or no protection, and the government is not helping the...

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Funny story: Chinese Coronavirus Hospital Was Made From Sticky Rice

Chinese Coronavirus Hospital Was Made From Sticky Rice

It's been alleged by undercover sources in China, that the hospital in Wuhan that was built from start to finish in 10 days, to house those suffering from the deadly Coronavirus, is made from sticky rice and papier mâché. The Huoshenshan Hospital...

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Funny story: Local woman wins Word Falling Over Championship for record 12th year in succession

Local woman wins Word Falling Over Championship for record 12th year in succession

A 21-year-old woman from Whitechapel has become the first woman to win the much sought-after, World Falling Over Championship, for a record 12th year in succession Tracy Dell, a business owner and mother-of-three, managed to fall over almost conti...

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Funny story: Man Can't Seem To Get Rid Of Phlegm From His Chest

Man Can't Seem To Get Rid Of Phlegm From His Chest

A man who has been suffering from some kind of virulent Asian 'flu for more than three weeks now, has admitted that, despite taking various medicines to lower the fever, provide pain relief, and to loosen the breathing-restrictive matter on his lungs...

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Funny story: The General Redirection

The General Redirection

As the election hots up, and seemingly every Tory candidate is called out for lying, many familiar political battlegrounds have opened up. Many MPs have decried the state of our health service and are all promising to hand-build thousands of beds and...

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Funny story: Student Allowed To Eat A Mentos Mint, Then Drink Coke, "In The Name Of Science"

Student Allowed To Eat A Mentos Mint, Then Drink Coke, "In The Name Of Science"

A science teacher at a school has said that he gave permission to one of his students to undertake the extraordinarily dangerous challenge of eating a Mentos mint and then quoffing a bottle of Coca Cola, "for the benefit of the other students", and "...

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