Justin Bieber Latest Mooning Stunt Sued By Hotel, Then He Sues Hotel!

Funny story written by Bureau

Sunday, 10 November 2013

image for Justin Bieber Latest Mooning Stunt Sued By Hotel, Then He Sues Hotel!

Hard to keep up-to-date with Justin Bieber these days. If he is trying to keep himself in the news, he's doing a good job.

After leaving the stage recently after getting hit by a thrown plastic bottle, he has been charged with defacing a building in Rio de Janeiro with graffiti, according to The $tar$.

In another mix-up just before leaving South America he has sued and is being sued by yet another hotel.

Apparently the latest is over a mooning incident as a skinny rear end appeared at the window of the hotel as people passed, then stopped and looked before police were summoned.

"That was his room", the hotel proprietor told The $tar$. "Of course, someone else may have been in there but it sounded like his laughter when I went out there myself, because he was laughing over some graffiti incident when he checked in."

Both will probably drop the lawsuits because of an earlier mooning incident in the U.S. over a year ago. The hotel sued for damages to it's reputation and an attorney for Bieber sued for injuries as Bieber had fallen backwards out the window.

"They did not warn my client that he could suffer an injury when leaning his butt out a window," stated his attorney.

Like the earlier incident, both Bieber and the hotel got plenty of free publicity.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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