Fired TV Host Chris Stirewalt Says That Fox News Is Coming Apart At The Seams and No One Gives a Shit

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Saturday, 20 August 2022

image for Fired TV Host Chris Stirewalt Says That Fox News Is Coming Apart At The Seams and No One Gives a Shit
"Fox has lost lots of sponsors, who say Fox is now, Sesame Street For GOP Shut-Ins." -CHRIS STIREWALT

NEW YORK CITY - (Business Satire) - The network that once prided itself in being "Trump's Favorite Network" is coming apart seam by seam, according to former political analyst Chris Stirewalt.

Stirewalt, who was fired at the insistence of Toxic Trump, for stating on air that Cheeto Face lost the presidential election fair and square, has just written a book spilling all of the political beans (shenanigans) that Trump openly encouraged at Fox.

The book has already sold 1.2 million copies and is titled, "Why Trump Fucked Fox Without Wearing a Condom."

Stirewalt's book has been praised as being extremely realistic by such Foxers as Sean "Fred Flintstone" Hannity, Tucker "The Freak Creep" Carlson, and Laura "Horse Face" Ingraham.

The only Fox fart that still remains in a habitual state of brainwashment (i.e. totally devoted to DJT) is Trump's one and only remaining friend Greg "The Rodent" Gutfeld, who is so fucking ugly he makes Rudy "The Swamp Creature" look real pretty.

SIDENOTE: Stirewalt's book has over 125 never-before-seen photos; including two of Jesse "The Douche Bag" Waters opening kissing Trump's ass and a photo of Lou Dobbs licking Trump's cowlick, which not only looks weird-as-shit, but is gross beyond belief.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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