MOSCOW - (World Satire) - The Kremlin Voice has just announced that dozens of American companies and fast food chains are abandoning Vlady The Prick's beloved Russia.
A spokesperson for the McDonalds franchise chain told the KV that they will be closing all of their 769 Mickey D's eateries located in the communistic nation.
The KV noted that some of the larger US corporations that are leaving Russia include Corona Beer, The Paul Bunyan Condom Co., Taco Bell, The Cinderella Pantiliners Corp., and Preparation H.
Putin has been described as acting like a little boy with the football who threatens to take the football home if he is not allowed to be the quarterback.
Meanwhile, Green Bay Packers Aaron Rodgers who hates Putin like Sarah Huckabee hates diets, commented that Putin looks like a prick, acts like a prick, and smells like a prick.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Ahhh, TMI, Aaron, T-M-I!.]