Taco Bell Teaming With "Hello Kitty" in 2014

Funny story written by Tony Bagodonutz

Monday, 2 December 2013

image for Taco Bell Teaming With "Hello Kitty" in 2014

Taco Bell, anticipating a need to stay ahead of the game, has teamed up with "Hello Kitty" manufacturer to develop a HELLO KITTY HAPPY TIME PINK TACO/GRANDE MEAT BURRITO COMBO

Taco Bell has been on a kick for awhile now adding new, unique taco flavors in their "Doritos Tacos Locos" campaign. The tacos including the "Nacho Cheese","Cool Ranch", and the latest "Fiery" "Doritos Locos Tacos" have been a hot seller for awhile.

"We think it will be a veritable explosion of flavor," says Phil Yerhole, a spokesman for the marketing campaign.

The campaign will kick off on New Years Eve as soon as the balls drop . . . ball drops in Times Square, New York.

"We're so excited we can hardly hold it in," states Mr. Yerhole, "It's gonna be a good time. Hoards of people will be eating taco and sucking down burritos. Party time!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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