Santa Claus - My Fake Diary

Wednesday, 17 September 2008


Diary I have done it. Rudolph is now cooking nicely. I had to do it, he was becoming a liability. I only have to hope I left him to dry out for long enough. I don't know how long alcohol stays in a Reindeer's body for, but at least the meat will be well moistened.

I let the Elves go as well. I am doing everything on Amazon this year. They are so cheap, and if I order more than £15 worth of product at any one time, postage is free.

I am also leeting the Reindeer go. A rocket powered sleigh will make the job easier, it means I can get the deliveries done in a fraction of the old time it used to take. I love this thing called progress. Of course, if I was really lazy, I could leave it until after Boxing Day, when all of the sales are on, and get everything at a knock-down price.

It is a credit crunch time after all, and we all need to tighten our belts. Of course, there is a lot more to me than there is to a lot of people, so I will not have so much of a belt to tighten, but the thought, the effort, and the effect are all there anyway.

Must dash, I am taken the Elves out later. Not in a Pacino type of way, just for a drink, and to say thanks.

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