Santa Claus - My Fake Diary

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Fuck, 44 weeks'til the big day. Don't know what the freak I'm going to do this time 'round. May be get the elves to make fuckin' paper planes or somethin'. Shit! Just remembered that Czech Republic put in advance order for Play Station 3 or was it 4? Fuck 'em. I'm getting pretty bloody pissed off by all this insistence on microchip toys. What's wrong with a bloody wooden horse, for Chrissakes?! I know, I'll fly them some Danish Leggo. That'll put their noses out of joint. Oh and those freakin' pillow biters from Sweden keep asking for MP3 players and digital TVs. A truck load of Barbie dolls will do them. Of course, Americans keep insisting on military stuff, you know, tanks, planes, battleships and the like. They are so one track minded. You know, I really can't stand this job!

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