Ray Mears - My Fake Diary

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Hairs? I questioned.

Ozzie explained that since he'd become a born-again Muslim, he wanted to show that Allah was a loving god and he had to put on 'Hairs and Graces' Besides, his character had completely changed and there was no way that he would be a violent, murdering terrorist ever again and therefore, even though insulted by Nader, he would not retaliate.

I was shocked.Nader's plans were right up the Khyber, he would have right problems trying to show the nasty side of Ozzie.

Nader (Who was becoming deaf) only heard the word hairs and still thinking about all them Virgin bushes, started mutterring hairs...hmmm...hairs...JUGGED HAIRs...JUGS.

Nader's mind must be obssessed with these virgins because all his thoughts were on the female form.

First it was hairs, now it's JUGS! (Breasts to 'Merican readers!)

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