Ray Mears - My Fake Diary

Saturday, 15 March 2008

In the distance I thought I could see a whole array of market stalls. As I got closer, each one was selling succulent fruits - strawberries, mangoes, peaches, cream and there was even an Italian stall selling Vermicelli. Each stall was manned (except the one selling Melons) by a celebrity chef.

Jamie Oliver was shouting "get yer cherries 'ere!" Gordon Ramsay was calling; "get yer F'ing Rhubarb ere!"; Nigella Lawson was inviting people to come and touch her ripe melons!

Now that's a trifle Bazzar I thought.

It really was a mirage.

I tripped over a rock on the dried-up river bed which seemed to knock some sense into me .

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