Napoleon - My Fake Diary

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

2 Novembre 1804

Further to my tiresome exchange with my court painter, I have grown a little stubble : 'à'la six heures' , to quote those Anglais Oafs...but no more...

What does HE know, that Montmartre Dandy ?...poncing round Pigalle and Porte D'Orleans?...obsessing with Le Chic / Le Look Debonnaire ..?

I tell you, I shall give hime 'Le Chic' , oui ..Le Chic A La about: The gangrenous foot 'look' or the 'Post - Bayonet Charge Bleeding Eye ' or the ' 20- Day - Rationing black tooth effect '..?

Join the Armee Napoleon if you wish to live in the Real World.


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