Jesus - My Fake Diary
Friday, 4 June 2010
Dear Diary, it's me again. Jesus. The REAL one who is the Son of God. My mother says she was a virgin, but the older I get, the more I wonder.
Well, I was a bit pissed last week because some strange people were thanking my dad for helping them win an auction for a fansite.
Personally, I think that's a bit far fetched because Dad is busy trying to sort out wars around the word. He couldn't give a damn about auctions for fansites.
I do feel sorry for these poor deluded, selfish people. I do think their time - and money -would be much better spent helping out others less fortunate that they are. Children who are starving for example.
Have they NO hearts? Dad can't be EVERYWHERE. He relies on his 'followers' to do their bit. They think 'their bit' is a prayer.
My goodness, this is so sad. They haven't a darned clue.
I'm getting frustrated now. I love Susan Boyle but some of her fans need a 'reality check'.
Off to watch Billy Graham and see what wierd things HE is up to today.
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