George W. Bush - My Fake Diary

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Dear Diary,


I sent a note of condolezza..condolence to Rush Limball after his little accident yesterday. They say he'll be fine and dandy.

Can't imagine a dandy Limball.

Shouldn't have been bending over like that at his weight, over 250 I'll bet. Or, I don't know how they do that weight in England, but it has something to do with their stones.

Reminded me of my army days.

"The drill instructor would come in and turn the lights on in your eyes at 4AM and yell, "Drop your cocks and grab your socks."

The first time he yelled out like that, I got so shook up, I almost forgot and tried to put on my socks with my cock still in my hand.



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