George W. Bush - My Fake Diary

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Dear Diary,

W. Here.

I wonder who it was that started that bit of wisdom that if you eat a live frog the first thing in the morning, nothing worse can happen to you the rest of the day?

I'm certainly glad I read that Abraham Lincoln did that on the day he was assassinated at the Fjord Theater or I'd have tried it out, myself.

Come to think of it, I read that list of the similarities of Lincoln and JFK and I think Kennedy ate one too before he got into that motorcade here in Dallas.

Maybe someone screwed them up many years ago and it's bad luck.

Like always, I'll have to call Cheney. I know he ate one every morning and nothing really bad happened to him the rest of the day. Perhaps that was because he liked eating them.

I think I'll stay with my raw egg and buttermilk.

Mama got me on that years ago. And it still tickles her to see me staying with it to this day. Every morning at the White House when we had visitors from other countries and Mama and Dad were there, she'd always elbow the visitors and say, "See, I told you" and laugh.

Guess she was proud of me.


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