David Cameron - My Fake Diary

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Dear diary,
Oh what a week it has been! Yesterday was one of the turning points in history for Great Britain (at least I think I've made it into the history books at last!) All because I said one simple word. I have used this word very often in my own country when people ask "David, can we have a referendum on membership of the EU?" And I always say "no".

I actually had only two hours sleep on the Thursday night and so when I woke up, I thought I was still in England and because I am asked the question so much, I just automatically said "no" - I must have been dreaming!

Still, we shall see what the Germans and the frogs are really like now that they have no longer our support for the euro? I have long suspected that we are the little schoolboys who are being robbed of their pocket money by these two bullies.

Now I have to face the reality of being treated like a dunce in the corner of a classroom while the maths teachers cook the books. I hope the euro fails big time!

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