Bin Laden: Did not die by gunfire but died while having sex

Funny story written by French Marilyn

Friday, 6 May 2011


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image for Bin Laden: Did not die by gunfire but died while having sex
Sex can kill you; it killed Bin Laden

The most guarded secret in the world is that Osama Bin Laden did not die under the bullets of a Seal commando, but died while having sex.

"He had a stroke while having sex simultaneously with six of his current batch of wives and concubines," an anonymous source has revealed.

The revelation coincides with researchers in the Netherlands issuing the results of a three-year study of the brain, arteries and blood vessels of 250 people (male and female) having sex.

The study showed that as the blood pressure rises during sex it can trigger off a bleeding on the brain. In other words someone having sex is in danger of suffering a fatal stroke.

So can coffee, sneezing, blowing one's nose and pushing when in the toilet.

But it was none of those that killed Osama.

When the Seals burst into the third-floor bedroom he was already dead.

He was lying on his back on a double bed and three women, also naked, were still on top of him. The other three, also naked, were kneeling at the foot of the bed sucking his toes.

"Did you not see the shock on Hillary Clinton's face on that photo taken in the operations room? She was shocked, not at the Seals in action, but at those naked females in action," said the source.

The Seals having gone to kill Osama had then shot him twice in the head.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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