The debate over God releasing a photograph of Satan's corpse reached a low point this week, just days after the Alpha and Omega authorized the raid "Operation Hellspawn" on Satan's suspected location near Hollywood, CA, killing Satan, his wife, Pol Pot, and 3 others.
"Release the photos, God," said gigantic sh-thead Bill O'Reilley. "We need proof to believe that Satan is actually gone."
... go f--k yourself. Look into the eyes of the kid whose mother was working in the Top of the World restaurant in the north Tower. He's 16 now, and lives right down the street from me.
Last week, God announced that Satan had been killed and his corporeal form recovered in a angel-led military operation. During the raid, Satan was fatally pierced by blessed arrows in the head and chest.
Since this announcement, which effectively means the end to all human death, pain and suffering, in addition to allowing those tormented in Hell to reunite with the Saviour, some are critical of the slaying.
"I know, it's good that the Devil can't harm us any more," said Geraldo Rivera, "but do we want to encourage God to go out and smite everyone who we view as our enemy?"
"YES! Hell, yes!" said Keyport, NJ resident Anthony Rosania. "F--k, if God wants it, I have a list of people he can kill. Nancy Grace, OJ Simpson, my first wife, Michael Bay... I can go on for days."
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy," said Martin Luther King, Jr., according to the National Enquirer. "God, I could go for a Jamba juice and a 'Sex & The City' marathon right now."