Obama Declares: "We Will Never Forget 9/11, Just Like We Never Forgot Pearl Harbor"

Funny story written by Honey West

Thursday, 5 May 2011

image for Obama Declares: "We Will Never Forget 9/11, Just Like We Never Forgot Pearl Harbor"
"We Have Long Memories In The U.SofA"

President Obama today assured all Americans that 9/11 would never be forgotten and added, somewhat forgetfully, "just like we never forgot Pearl Harbor."

After a resounding round of applause from the gathered dignitaries and other assorted hangers-on chilling out at the White House Rose Garden, he continued, "Pearl Harbor, which occurred on April 1, 1985, will forever live in infamy. After all it only happened, like, what? 20 years ago? Or is it 10? Anyway, we don't forget stuff like this in the U.S."

On a completely different note, President Obama wanted to let our wonderful friend and ally, Japan, know how much we love and care about them and that he has gotten the express consent of all U.S. taxpayers to send them 1.5 billion dollars in humanitarian aid to help in the continued clean up after the devastating Tsunami.

"Again, I want to repeat, we do not forget. Forgetting just isn't in our blood. We are proud Americans and if you think you can sneakily attack us, like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor, your'd better think again, buddy boy. It stays in our hearts and souls a long, long time. And I do mean a hella long time. At least 20 years or so."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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