This is not your typical "man bites dog" incident. Up until now, both Obama and the man he appointed Attorney General, Eric Holder, were of the same legal bent. Each were well left of center and agreed that the government should not be in the business of executing people without a trial. Citing the Nuremburg trials of Nazi war criminals as precedent, they believed that America should set an example for the world in its deployment of justice.
Holder, like Obama, gained his present position largely through the affirmative action program that allowed disadvantaged minorities, who couldn't make it in the NBA, the opportunity to get a jump start in life by forgiving them for their intellectual mediocrity and admitting them into prestigious Ivy League colleges as bonafide students.
Inexplicably, at least in Holder's mind, the President and Commander-in-Chief ordered the execution of Osama bin Laden this weekend; an order carried out by SEAL Team Six with dispassionate dispatch.
Could this arrest be the end of a beautiful friendship?