Sacha Baron Cohen, the most famous in-the-closet Jew since Anne Frank, is accused of beating off a gay cameraman (are there any non-gay cameramen?) at a gay marriage-slash-AIDS Rally in Los Angeles.
The cameraman, who claims to cover "felchings and other gay events in the Los Angeles area", said that he was beaten off by Baron-Cohen's 'Bruno' characte, ostensibly to "promote violent discord between the homosexuals and normal people" at the rally.
According to a lawsuit filed today, members of the 'Bruno' crew carried "God hates fags" and "Say 'No' to Bad Meat In the Can" signs, meant to spark unrest between the rump wranglers, "to enhance the dramatic effect of what they may capture for their film."
The cameraman claims he was shoved, pulled, fellated and wrestled by 'Bruno', causing serious injury. The cameraman posted video of the altercation on spitonitfirst.web.