Widely known for being anything but ambitious, motivated or industrious, The French are receiving high praise for their recent protest initiative on the streets of Paris and other major cities.
"Not since World War II, have I seen this much organized opposition to a single event, or as much energy invested in a single cause by these people", says Generalissimo Francisco Franco, former dictatorial leader of Spain, long reported dead by Saturday Night Live News, but actually living comfortably in a private villa outside of Loire-Atlantique.
The world press agrees, as millions of passionate French citizens take to the streets to throw rocks and bottles, burn cars and damage personal property, (not their own of course) in attempt to have their voices heard. "Though you have to consider that they are fighting against a rise in the retirement age, and that should tell you something. I'd still be working if they would have let me", says the 95 year old Franco.
With statistics showing less than 15% of the current population working after the age of 60, it's easy to see why the rest of the world, who works much longer at higher average working hours per week, may not be empathetic to the French citizen's cause.
"Well, nobody likes to have their cookies taken away", says Toledo, Ohio auto worker, Ted Kamlinski, "but it sounds like they need a little ass whooping to get their mind right. Shit, I can't retire until I'm at least 93".