Male French Politicians Hit Back In Gender Row

Funny story written by Ellis Ian Fields

Friday, 15 October 2010


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Better politicians?

French Finance Minister, Christine Lagarde, has claimed women make better politicians than men because they are not slave to their libidos.

She reckons that women are less sexually driven and are therefore more able to make cool-headed judgements. Men's sex drive, testosterone and egos tend to impair their decision-making ability, she says.

But some male politicians have hit back claiming women are just as likely to be affected by their gender.

"Christine is a ver' nice woman, but she is, 'ow you say, blinkered," said Norbert Le Jambon-Bon, a junior minister.

"Does she not accept that the women are always thinking of ze other things - comme, 'what shall we 'ave for ze dinner tonight,' 'I wonder if my eye shadow matches this outfit,' or 'must remember the dog food.'

"And, bien sur, you don't want a woman who 'as what you call ze PMT wiz 'er finger on the nuclear button, n'est-ce pas?"

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