The latest fashion of cruelly tormenting innocent animals continues to take the world by storm. After the instant celebrity enjoyed by Mary Bale, it seems that everyone wants a piece of the action.
The Internet has become flooded with videos of wannabe celebs (and let's face it, that's everyone these days), willing to catapult their pet into oblivion, in order to catapult themselves into the limelight.
So much has the latest sensation gripped the world that many technology outlets have begun packaging live animals with video camera equipment in order to *ker-ching* cash-in on the fad.
Rumours abound too that several top TV networks have begun discussions into filling the niche emerging market for shows which profit from videos of cruel animal treatment; although shows like America's Funniest Home Videos, The Planet's Funniest Animals, and Animal Hospital have already cornered this space pretty well.
My local pet store, which incidentally is just down the road from Boy George's house, is out of gerbils.
Animal rights people around the world are literally foaming at the mouth.