Australia's Prime Minister Will Not Jail Red Head Jokers Or Legalise Gay Marriages

Funny story written by Knowles

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Newly appointed Labour Prime Minister and the first Australian redheaded female leader says she'll fight against gay marriage, but will be more lenient to redhead jokes.

The P.M. says she's in office for a rough ride and admits not many may like her abordecisions.

But, when it comes to gay marriage shes not beatin' around the bush, it a defiant NO!

Asked if she would be outlawing redheaded jokes now that she was prime minister, Ms Gillard laughed and said she would still allow them.

"But expect to get a response when you do," she said

And, the Gay community may think twice about little miss nice Gillard after her anti-gay marriage statement.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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