Holland declare Iraqi war illegal, demand the extradition of Blair and Bush, Blair has requested weed in his cell!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

image for Holland declare Iraqi war illegal, demand the extradition of Blair and Bush, Blair has requested weed in his cell!
Tony Blair can't wait for his trial in The Hague, "the weed is stupendous" he claimed!

Flatter than flat and high as a kyte, Holland, have declared the Iraqi war as illegal.

They have demanded the extradition of ex-super US Pres. George "Mad Dog" Bush and his fav. cowboy, Tony "Breakback" Blair.

It will be slightly difficult extraditing Bush as he is sitting in the local "Loony Bin" dribbling.

As for world famous, roving diplomat, peace making Tony, no problem.

His missus Cheryl, will be glad to see the back of him.

Dutch Prime Minister Balkenende, otherwise known as "Harry Potter" has promised the world justice as mentioned in his following statement:

"We cannot bring Saddam or Hitler back and for that matter Anne Frank, but we will certainly bring Bush and Blair to justice in The Hague and I can promise you all we Hollanders never sent one troop to Baghdad, they missed the plane!"

In the Interim, George is still dribbling but Tony is enjoying the thought of a bit of R & R in a Dutch jail (holiday camp), he's heard the weed on offer is especially excellent!!!!!!!!!!!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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