Returning from a summit in Texas in 2002, the then UK Prime Minister Tony Blair - who had never heard of Iraq before, except for saying 'isn't it one of those Arabic-sounding places near Persia?' - suddenly started talking about Iraq and making it obey UN Resolutions, and that that country had weapons of mass destruction.
At today's whitewash in London about Blair and his press secretary Alastair Campbell's actions about Iraq, Campbell was asked 'Isn't the one country that has consistently ignored more UN Resolutions than any other one in history in fact Israel? Which is backed by the USA, and last year committed war crimes and genocide against the Palestinian people, without a single comment from Washington about it all. And there has never been the slightest piece of evidence that Iraq possessed any weapons of mass destruction, has there?'
Mr. Campbell replied: 'Well, I know all that and you know all that, and so does anyone with half a brain cell. But Tony was simply told by President Bush to 'tighten his stance' against Iraq, and to borrow a Californian college thesis about Iraq's weaponry that was more or less a fictional one.'
'Mr. Bush thought that because Americans believe everything they're told then the British would too. They didn't and don't. The thesis was exposed and Blair proven to be a liar and a war criminal, and the British people will never forgive him for either. Bush's poodle, ha ha ha ha!'
And he added: 'If it had been about UN Resolutions we would have invaded Israel, and the only mass weapon Saddam ever had was the poisonous gas given to him in the 1980s by the USA. This whole inquiry is total nonsense.'
Iraq turned Tony Blair from being a popular decent sort of leader into the most despised one in modern history, grovelling to America in a way that would have disgusted former Labour PM Harold Wilson - who refused to let Britain take part in the Vietnam War.
This inquiry is to make it look like there is some sort of inquiring going on about Blair and Campbell's lies. There isn't and won't be, any more than the inquiry into Bloody Sunday which has dragged on for years will ever achieve a single thing.
Not even the talented Alastair Campbell can fool all of the people all of the time.