Iraqi WOMD were really there claims "Spin Doc Supremo" Alistair Campbell, " and Blair believed me," Clown!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

image for Iraqi WOMD were really there claims "Spin Doc Supremo" Alistair Campbell, " and Blair believed me," Clown!
Alistair "Spin Doctor Supremo" Campbell is put out to graze at the mercy of real "sheep-shagging spinners!"

The greatest "Spin doctor" ever in the history of British democracy, Alistair Campbell, has told the world,

"I convinced Tony Blair that WOMD were in Iraq and the arsehole believed every word, it's my job you know, TO SPIN!"

George Bush certainly convinced Alistair then Blair was just a very simple "Bush over" he claimed.

"Blair always wanted to "one-up" Maggie Thatcher in her Falklands campaign and go down in history as even better than Sir Winston Churchhill and I helped him," claimed Alistair.

Spinning was Alistairs favourite hobby and he certainly spun Blair, the Labour Government and the British people into believing Bush's extraordinary claims.

The problem now for Campbell is that there were no WOMD in Saddams Iraq, a pair of rusty old rockets, first world war Russian tanks and some ancient Gas-Grenades hidden in the Iraq desert.

In fact Iraqi Nomads wandering in the desert used them to hang their washing on.

Oh well, Blair is gone, Labour is about to lose and Alistair Campbell will still be "spinning his yarns" amongst the UK political elite and getting very well paid for it too!

In ancient times "Spinners" shagged sheep, maybe Alistair should be put out to graze!!!!!!!!!!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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