Rejoice - Next Tuesday Is National Porn Day!

Funny story written by Skoob1999

Monday, 22 June 2009

image for Rejoice - Next Tuesday Is National Porn Day!
That's Me! Or Is It Him? Who Knows?

Adult males of the world were today granted free rein to do what they usually do when their wives go out shopping, but they never really admit to.

In a world summit in Geneva, world leaders such as Barack Obama and Kim Jong Il, told husbands and boyfriends to get the DVD's out, pop round to the local shop for a six pack, then sit back and enjoy.

However, Senator Nick Fun, one of the Kennedy clan from Massachusetts warned:

"It's all well and good watching grumble flicks while the other half's out shopping. AS LONG AS YOU ONLY DO IT TO GET IN THE MOOD. It is not, and has never been advocated as a substitute for the real thing."

Senator BuckwheatsButt, of Florida added as a cautionary note;

"Having a beer and slumping incoherently over a keyboard whilst posting utter crap on the internet and watching porn is fine by me. But you have to be prepared the give the Mrs a proper seeing to when she gets back. You have to give it 110% or there's no point. And boy oh boy, I mean a proper seeing to. So she starts tearing the wallpaper off. I rest my case."

Despite objections from certain quarters, most males were reportedly anticipating National Porn Day with relish and a pronounced limp.

Baker, Madam Bitters said that she wouldn't object to a back handed compliment.

More filthy minded feindishness as we get it.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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