Blair uses Americanism in effort to be hip, comes across as a git.

Funny story written by matthatt

Friday, 1 June 2007

image for Blair uses Americanism in effort to be hip, comes across as a git.
Oh shit! The're right. Cherie is a minger!

PRETORIA (AssPress) - Prime Minister Tony Blair wrapped up a farewell tour of picking up presents and kick backs in Africa on Friday with a call for fellow G8 leaders to "step up to the plate" an Americanism relating to the American game of baseball.

Baseball isn't played in England due to cricket, people in Africa watch a lot of American TV shows and Mr Blair's advisers thought it would make him sound young and hip.

A spokesman for the entire African continent said "actually we feel a bit offended, like he was patronising us or something, he is a bit of a git in my book"

The premier, who stands down on June 27 after more than a decade in Downing Street and various luxury hot spots on someone else's purse, said that while there was much the international community could do, it isn't and it should try harder.

A spokesperson for the international community said "Mr Blair should shut his gob and get on with retiring already"

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